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In Remembrance

The first funeral I ever attended was for Jeffery Maloney. I was just a freshman in high school and he was a Marine Corporal who was killed in Vietnam. He was 21. Jeff and his family were part of our neighborhood. He had a younger brother and sister and all had attended the same grammar school as my sisters and me.

 Jeff had returned to Vietnam after R and R in Hawaii where his fiancé joined him. They were nearly next door neighbors and were to be married upon his return. I remember the day of his funeral as if it were yesterday. What stands out in my mind was his flag draped coffin with a photo of him in his uniform and his helmet on top. It is too simple to say that to men and women like Jeffery we owe a debt of gratitude. We owe them our very freedoms, that so many seem to take for granted. Here is a link to a website created  in remembrance of Jeff.
